WORKSHOP: Perspectives and Future Outlook of Quantum in the Energy Industry

This workshop aims to provide a framework for international collaboration across sectors, by showcasing some of the current initiatives and best practices, and by facilitating dialogue and networking among the participants.

Quantum technologies have the potential to transform the energy sector, by enabling better optimization and planning capabilities, developing better battery and storage, and grid optimization. However, to realize this potential, there is a need for international collaboration among various stakeholders, such as industry, utilities, data centers, associations, government, user communities, and start-ups. This workshop aims to provide a framework for such collaboration, by showcasing some of the current initiatives and best practices, and by facilitating dialogue and networking among the participants.


  • Optimized datacenter energy usage from quantum-enhance AI. On the energy side, datacenter energy use is a very big topic/issue - how to support datacenter energy needs since datacenters can be built much faster than the necessary generation or T&D infrastructure. Highlighting the opportunities and challenges of quantum technologies for energy.

  • Highlighting the opportunities and challenges to the energy sector due to the developing quantum industry needs.

  • Discussing how current AI supercomputers may enable these latent opportunities in quantum technologies.

  • Presenting some of the ongoing projects and initiatives in this domain, involving different stakeholders and regions.

  • Identifying the gaps and needs for further collaboration and coordination.

  • Expanding the platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and contacts among the participants.

Workshop Format

The workshop will consist of four parts: 

  • Opening discussion: An Overview of Quantum and Energy

  • A series of technical talks on quantum technologies for energy applications

  • A series of brief talks followed by a panel with the speakers, who will introduce the topic and share their perspectives and insights on quantum and energy.

  • In conclusion, where the workshop chair will wrap up the workshop and propose some follow-up actions and next steps.

Workshop hosts

The workshop is hosted by EPRI and NVIDIA.


Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Time: 1:00 - 3:00PM ET

Location: Capitol One Hall, 4th Floor Landing

Who Can Attend?

This Workshop is open to all Quantum World Congress attendees.

Registration & PreRequisites

Please register to confirm your interest. Please note that seating on the day will be on a first-come, first-served basis for pre-registered attendees.


Welcome & Workshop Introduction

  • Jeremy Renshaw, EPRI

Quantum & Energy: An Overview

  • Ann Dunkin, DOE

Cross-Sector Perspectives

  • Celia Merzbacher, QED-C

  • Carl Dukatz, Accenture

Moderator led panel session: “Perspectives and Outlook of Quantum in the Energy Industry”

  • Rima Oueid, DOE

  • Reynaldo Gomez, NVIDIA

  • Martin Roetteler, IonQ

  • Pranav Gokhale, Infleqtion

Open Discussion

Conclusion & Next Steps

  • Jeremy Renshaw, EPRI


WORKSHOP: QUantum & Sustainability