Quantum World Congress 2022: Market Acceleration Day 1 (Part 1)
Market Acceleration Day 1 (Part 1) at Quantum World Congress 2022 featuring:
00:00:03 Industry-led Quantum Innovation, Dr. Lara Jehi (Cleveland Clinic) and George Thomas (Connected DMV, Potomac Quantum Innovation Center)
00:21:16 Government's Role in Driving the Quantum Industry + A Short Strange Story, Whurley (Strangeworks)
00:38:07 The State of the Quantum Supply Chain, Dr. Celia Merzbacher (QED-C), Dr. Anjul Loiacono (ColdQuanta), Dr. Kristen Prudenz (Atom Computing)
The first-ever Quantum World Congress took place November 29-December 1st, 2022, in Washington, D.C., at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. We welcomed more than 700 attendees from around the world, including international delegations from 17 countries. The program featured 120 speakers across all quantum domains. Delegates represented a wide range of sectors, including industry, academia, government, community, and K-12 students.