Genesis Quantum's Sean Kwak at QWC 2023: Bringing Quantum Tech to Everyday Life

Sean Kwak, CEO of Genesis Quantum Inc. & GQT Korea, spoke during the Market Acceleration breakout track at Quantum World Congress 2023 on "Bringing Quantum Tech to Everyday Life".

Sean started gqt in hopes to introduce quantum technology to the general population through commercial application. Sean joined SK Telecom in 1997 as a CDMA packet core engineer, and during his journey to help protect against hackers he found his passion for quantum technology in 2005. He then worked to liaise between the South Korean government and SK Telecom to shine importance of the quantum technology and helped set policies and secure funding to ultimately create SK Telecom’s first quantum laboratory in 2011. He and his team helped deploy South Korea’s QKD countrywide network. They also developed the random number generator chip and that was used in the Samsung Galaxy Quantum Series.He currently sits as an advisory member to the quantum special committee of Korea Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology.


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